We recommend handling the IRS on your own ONLY when you owe less than $5,000! If your balance is under $5,000 and you do not have any o...
Deductible Mileage A self-employed independent contractor (1099) can claim a deduction for miles driven to a job assignment. You cannot...
Download the Checklist Personal and Dependent Information: Name Date of Birth Social Security Card/ITIN/ATIN Last Year’s Tax Retu...
What Are the Tax Benefits of Different Types of Retirement Plans? There are many different types of retirement plans, all have differ...
I’m a Rideshare Driver…Now What? Uber/Lyft drivers are popping up everywhere! It’s become the new way to make money and the best ...
Delay the audit Postponing your audit can really work to your advantage. The IRS must complete an audit within three years of the time ...
Receiving tax notices, collection notes and audits Most everyone hates mail from the IRS. And the IRS knows this. Currently, their lega...
In this lesson, we’ll tell you how to get the most out of your withholding and what exemptions, adjustments, deductions, or credits y...
Deductible Expenses for Farmers Of course, you always have expenses when running a business. Imagine you’ve collected in a pot all th...
Download the Checklist Cleaning Supplies Misc. Supplies Transportation Expenses Hand Cleaner Paper Towels Portable Vacuum Trash Bags Wi...
Whether you are just starting a business or incorporating a business already in existence, it is helpful to know and understand the for...
When starting a business, there are so many things to worry about, from where will it be located? To how many employees do I need? All ...
Opening and Running a Small Business Time for a little Business 101. If you’re confident you already understand major business entiti...
Overall the IRS really does allow a lot of benefits and deductions to Farmers and other business owners. As a business small-business o...
Hiring Paperwork Unless you’re going into business alone, you’ll eventually have to do hiring paperwork. Today’s lesson sh...
Did you receive any payout from crop insurance policies? If the answer is yes, then this may be considered income! You will need to acc...
What does “Self-Employed” mean? The answer seems obvious, right? Remember: there are no stupid questions; when it co...
Employment and Payroll Taxes We’ve already discussed tax requirements for employers to some degree in a previous lesson. Any person w...
Hiring Employees It’s nice to do things your own way, isn’t it? Surely. But, after awhile, you may find that the dirty details add ...
In this lesson, we’ll discuss the various benefits that you might provide as a small business owner to your employees and why doing s...
Of course, you always have expenses when running a business. Imagine you’ve collected in a pot all the money you made from farming, a...
Whatever the reason–whether due to financial strain, or pursuit of a new venture–it’s important to allow yourself amp...