

Author: StopIRSDebt.com

Tax Code Stretches 4 Million Words
If you’re intimidated by the length and complexity of the U.S. Tax Code, you’re not alone. It has more than 4 million words! Length of Tax Code Criticized for Burdensome Requirements The complicated tax code was recently the target of a c...
Avoid These Mistakes at Tax Time
Now that the new year has come and gone, one of the next big days sure to hit your calendar is April 15 – the deadline for filing your federal income taxes. So we need to talk about making mistakes at tax time. Common Tax Mistakes Delay Refunds...
Tax Hikes to Hit Rich Post Fiscal Cliff
If there was any time when Washington D.C. politicians were tested to  on their deal-making abilities, that time is now. The so-called “Fiscal Cliff” is set to kick in on Jan. 1, 2013. Why is it called the fiscal cliff? Because that̵...
Red Flags for IRS Audits
The IRS can be a big hassle for certain people. After working for a year and paying taxes, you can find an IRS auditor knocking on your door, demanding records and asking questions. In short, the IRS can make life very inconvenient. So you need to kn...
Saying “I Do” To Marriage Tax Impacts
Marriage is an institution that goes back hundreds of years. And the idea of taxes is just as old. So we’re overdue in talking about marriage tax impacts. People say “I Do” on one of the most important days of their lives: their wedding day...
Entrepreneurial Tax Deductions
Starting your own business is an important – and exciting – time in any person’s life. So why not take advantage of the incentives in the tax code to help make it happen? Uncle Sam provides multiple entrepreneurial tax deductions an...
Whistleblowers Reporting More Tax Cheats
Whistleblowers get a lot of goodwill. They typically report crimes that go unreported because no one knows about them, or report a massive waste of taxpayer money. But they’re also reporting more and more tax cheats. Dollars Spur Deals You can than...
Windstorm Brews Over Wind Energy Tax Credit
Congress uses the tax code to help a bunch of burgeoning industries, and one that’s been on the government’s favorites list is alternative energy. And politicians continue discussing the wind energy tax credit. Debate Whirls Regarding Industry In...
Do Tax Cuts for Wealthy Grow the Economy?
Another day, another tax study. The topic: Tax cuts for wealthy taxpayers. Tax rates are always a hot topic in Washington, D.C., with one side of the political spectrum consistently promoting the idea that tax cuts for the wealthy create economic gro...
How the Election Impacts Your Taxes
If there’s an election that impacts the American people’s tax burden, the 2012 presidential election is it. Republican candidate Mitt Romney and Democratic incumbent President Barack Obama are apples and oranges when it comes to most issu...
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