

Tax Levy

At StopIRSDebt.com, we don’t believe you should ever have to fear a tax levy from the IRS. Instead, find all your answers to your tax levy-related questions here. We’ve helped our clients successfully avoid thousands of tax levies brought along by issues of tax debt and nonpayment. Learn how to deal with those intimidating letters from the IRS, and successfully navigate a tax levy on your home, real estate properties, or other assets. Successfully take on the IRS by getting in touch with one of our tax professionals today. Get the advice you need today—free—with our live chat feature, located to the bottom right of your screen – or by clicking here.

Category: Tax Levy

Don’t Star in a Tax Horror Story This Halloween
What’s your favorite Halloween movie? Hocus Pocus? Poltergeist? The Nightmare Before Christmas? From the merely themed to the spooky, all the way to the downright horrifying, we gravitate towards a wide range of horrifying stories to send chills up...
Tax Attorneys: Everything You Need to Know
As we all know, the tax landscape is complicated. In fact, the word “complicated” may really undersell the reality of the IRS and state tax codes! Regardless, taxes provide a pretty significant challenge to most people, even during the regular ta...
IRS Levies: Everything You Need to Know
If the IRS wants to get their hands on a tax debt, they have dozens of ways to get the job done. Some are minor—even a simple notice or notification of an estimated tax bill can work. But when we think about IRS collections, we’re rarely thinking...
Owe Money to the IRS? Learn the Basics of Installment Agreements
Do you owe money to the IRS that you can’t afford to pay at once? If so, you may be able to use an installment agreement to get more time to pay your tax debt without ruining your credit or worrying about the IRS coming after you. Here’s ...
Missed the Tax Deadline? Here’s What to Expect
Missing the tax deadline is quite a unique situation – and like missing any other deadline, the consequences grow with time. If April 15th has come and gone, don’t panic just yet. You can redeem yourself and escape without a scratch if you act fa...
Taxes and Divorce: 6 Things You Need to Know
As if filing taxes wasn’t enough of a mental exercise, adding in all of the factors of a recent divorce is quite the curveball. We recommend discussing your particular circumstances with your tax professional, but get to know the basics below. Taxe...
What If You Can’t Pay Your Tax Bill?
If you’re ready to file your federal tax return but can’t pay your tax bill, what can you do? Do you just ignore the problem and hope it will go away? Or, do you take the initiative to do something positive to solve the problem? Bearing i...
How to Deal with an IRS Revenue Officer
When you owe money to the IRS, you may have an IRS revenue officer (RO) assigned to your case. Your case will first be assessed by an IRS revenue agent and then escalated to a revenue officer if it is felt your case requires further attention. IRS re...
The First 3 Steps for Removing a Bank Levy
When a bank levy hits, it triggers a whirlwind of questions, most frantically: how do I end and remove it? Once a bank levy is placed on your account, there isn’t anything you can do to forego payment of your debts, but you do have options for fina...
Having a tax debt is stressful. We can help.