

Tax Lien

An IRS tax lien is one of the most intimidating and scariest consequences of unpaid tax debt. If you’ve been notified of an upcoming tax lien on your property, then this section covers topics like what happens during a tax lien, how to fight back against it, and many more answers. You can always chat with our experienced Tax Specialists, by using our live chat feature, located to the bottom right of your screen, or click here. Our experienced Tax Specialists are here to assist with removing your IRS or State tax liens.

Category: Tax Lien

Tax Attorneys: Everything You Need to Know
As we all know, the tax landscape is complicated. In fact, the word “complicated” may really undersell the reality of the IRS and state tax codes! Regardless, taxes provide a pretty significant challenge to most people, even during the regular ta...
IRS Levies: Everything You Need to Know
If the IRS wants to get their hands on a tax debt, they have dozens of ways to get the job done. Some are minor—even a simple notice or notification of an estimated tax bill can work. But when we think about IRS collections, we’re rarely thinking...
Tax Debt Relief: What You Need to Know
After nearly two decades fighting on behalf of our tax debt relief clients, we know this much to be certain: Tax debt is serious business. Tax debt has ruined the best-laid financial plans for millions of hardworking taxpayers in the United States. I...
Tax Liens 101 (Part 2): How Do I Stop an IRS Tax Lien?
Welcome back to Tax Liens 101! We’re glad to have you with us in our two-part series as we cover all things IRS tax liens, from what tax liens are and how the IRS assesses them to how to get rid of them once at for all. At StopIRSDebt.com, we belie...
Tax Liens 101 (Part 1): What Happens During an IRS Tax Lien?
If you’re reading this, it’s not too late! You may think you’ve hit the end of the road or that your tax debt has spun out of control. Maybe you think you’re in too deep or you received a letter telling you the IRS is going to place an IRS ta...
Credit Score Lowered by A Tax Lien? Not Anymore.
Delinquent tax debt plagues many Americans – but now there’s some relief. Tax liens are now being removed from credit reports which will improve credit scores and providing those with poor credit a better chance to rebuild their credit score....
How to Prep for Next Year Now – It’s More Than Saving Receipts
2018 is half over – are you thinking about next year’s filing? Well, you should be. You already know that most of the hassle is often due to time spent gathering documents, scratching your head to remember deductions, and other administrative pap...
What to Do When Your Return Is Rejected
Filing your taxes can be a huge undertaking, even if your financial situation hasn’t changed much since last year. So submitting or mailing is often quite the stress relief. But what happens if the IRS rejects your return? And why does it get rejec...
How to Stop a Tax Lien from Ruining Your Credit
Receiving a letter from the IRS can be scary. But a tax lien is not as terrifying as it sounds. You can stop a tax lien or even remove a tax lien from your credit files before it damages your credit score if you know the right steps to take. What Is ...
Interest Rates On Taxes Are Increasing
As if you needed another reason to file your taxes on time and avoid penalties, the IRS announced that interest rates are increasing for the quarter that began April 1, 2018. The interest raise has more implications than just more money owed for over...
Having a tax debt is stressful. We can help.