

Tax Return Filing

Filing a perfect, error-free tax return is an art. And if you’re looking for tips for filing your next tax return, you’ve landed on the right page. We’ve covered all the tax return basics, from finding hidden tax credits to best practices for filing back tax returns. Learn about the forms you’ll need and how to ace your tax return like the pros! Of course, we’re here to help with tax returns and tax debt alike—just get in touch with one of our tax specialists through our free live chat, located to the bottom right of your screen – or by clicking here.

Category: Tax Return Filing

Self Employed? Here’s Your End of the Year Plan
As a self-employed individual, you’re in a special tax situation. Instead of simply receiving a W-2 form, you’ll have significant document collection and several other factors to consider. What’s more, you may have a side gig that qualifies as ...
The 411 on FBAR
Following increased IRS regulation, we’ve kept you in the know about how to report hidden money overseas, which includes using the special form known as FBAR, and still holds true in order to maintain a clean financial record. Hopefully you’ve do...
The Tax Benefits of Owning A Boat
You might’ve stored old faithful now that summer’s come and gone, but owning a boat is just like owning any other property. Therefore, it must be reported when tax season rolls around. Here’s what you need to know for a successful filing, wheth...
How to Write Off the Company Holiday Party
The turkey’s been stuffed and we all survived Black Friday, which means all of December’s holidays are right around the corner. We’re sure you have your share of soirees to attend, but did you know your company’s holiday party can be written ...
The Tax Implications of Being an Airbnb Host
The sharing economy is great, right? Many Americans are apart of it as both providers and consumers, giving and taking rides via Uber, vacationing or renting out their apartments for part time cash via Airbnb, and so on. If part (or all!) of your inc...
Payroll Taxes: The Basics You Need to Know
All employers must calculate their employees’ net pay by subtracting payroll deductions from each employee’s gross pay. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, you have to know the details to make sure all is done just right. Whether you’re a newbie...
Got Tips? How to Keep Track of Tips for Tax Purposes
In the America’s booming service industry, tips are a cultural norm. If you’re one of the millions of workers that collects tips, you probably already know that reporting them properly is of utmost importance. But how do you keep track of all of ...
Holiday Giving: The 411 on Charitable Donations
It’s the time of year for giving, and you’re probably being solicited to make charitable donations to local schools, churches, and the like. While you should certainly donate what you can for those fuzzy holiday feelings, you might want to donate...
The Best End-of-Year Tax Tips to Boost Your Refund
As fall turns to winter, you might be pondering your tax filing plan already – we hope you’re at least saving those receipts! Besides preparing and maintaining your records, files, and more, there are a few things you can do to increase your ...
How Moving Abroad Affects Your Taxes
Dreaming of Canada? Moving abroad can be a refreshing change, but many fail to realize how their taxes are affected – proper preparation is key. Read below to ensure your financials are in order before hopping on that plane! Tax Considerations ...
Having a tax debt is stressful. We can help.