
Tax Relief

Success Stories

Real tax relief results for

Real Tax Debt Issues

You’ve seen them on TV. You’ve heard them on the radio. And you’ve read about them on our website. Real tax relief results from real people with real tax debt issues.

For years our legal team has represented thousands of honest, hard working taxpayers who found themselves in over their head with their state or IRS tax debt, and turned to us for help. The examples below offer a glimpse into a small portion of our client base and their tax problems. We hope they excite you about your possibilities to find tax relief and inspire you to take action.

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Real stories.

Real Results

These are real tax relief results by real clients. Represented savings assume taxpayer stays current with negotiated tax resolution option. Actual savings and results may vary form case to case.

  • Total Savings:


    PENNY S.

    Penny’s Story

    She owed a massive 7.5 million, she hadn’t filed her returns in years, and the threats from the IRS revenue agents were getting more and more aggressive, with possible criminal prosecution. The IRS had assessed the taxpayer over $7,507,452 M in tax liability. StopIRSDebt.com completed years 1999-2006 US and State of MI individual income tax returns to bring the taxpayer’s account into compliance with the IRS.

    At the same time, we released a wage garnishment and placed the taxpayer on an affordable installment agreement to pay off the balance. All told, the tax debt was mitigated all the way down to $60,000. That’s less than 1% of the total tax debt owed! But not everyone will float out of harm’s way. If you owe the IRS back taxes, remember to accurately file your returns.

  • Total Savings:

    50% OFF

    DAVID H.

    David’s Story

    He owed quite a bit of money to the IRS, and figured he would call them and ask for a payment plan. What he didn’t bargain for was that, along with the request, he would have to remit an entire financial disclosure form detailing his income and assets. The result was a suffocating payment plan that barely left him anything after his expenses.

    After seeing our commercial, David decided that maybe he made a poor choice representing himself before the IRS and contacted our firm with lots and lots of questions. This time, David made the right phone call. StopIRSDebt.com worked with the IRS Appeals division to lower the client’s $3,500 monthly payment plan down to $1,467 per month, thus reducing the client’s liability in half.

  • Total Savings:

    100% OFF


    Ronald’s Story

    His tax bill was reduced from $169,000 to $0. How is that even possible!? The first thing StopIRSDebt.com did was to file his 2004-2009 US individual income tax returns. This had quite an impact, as it reduced the initial balances owed from $169,000 all the way down to $99,000.

    We then negotiated Currently non Collectible status on the remaining $99,000 balance, which brought the amount owed to $0. All told, Ronald L. didn’t pay anything on his tax bill. Not everyone will qualify to completely walk away from their tax debt, but for those of you who’ve recently opened a threatening piece of mail from the IRS, there can be quite a bright light at the end of the tunnel for those who get help.

  • Total Savings:



    Arthur’s Story

    Did he really save that much!? Yes, he really did. And then some. StopIRSDebt.com immediately filed 10 years of federal and state tax returns for the taxpayer, which not only reduced the amount owed substantially as we itemized each deduction for each year offsetting the reported income, it also got us in good standing with the revenue officer and collections against Arthur were frozen.

    We then negotiated a partial pay Installment Agreement on the remaining balance in the amount of $580 per month. The taxpayer will only pay back the IRS $69,600 for a period of 10 years that is left in the statute. All told, Arthur will save about $383,916 PLUS future penalties and interest

Total Savings:


Darrin M.

Darrin’s Story

StopIRSDebt.com stopped all collection actions from the State Board of Equalization and settled client’s $16,000 sales tax debt with an offer in compromise of $4,000. Total client savings: $12,000.

Total Savings:


Pamela L.

Pamela’s Story

Expedited statute of limitations for $43,092 of individual income tax liability, thus eliminating the debt entirely.

Total Savings:


Matthew S.

Matthew’s Story

StopIRSDebt.com negotiated an Offer in Compromise for $1,500 on a $10K liability, thus saving the client $8,500.

Total Savings:


Richard A.

Richard’s Story

StopIRSDebt.com filed the client’s tax returns for 8 years, and reduced client’s balance by $293,316.

Having a tax debt is stressful. We can help.