
Personal & Business

Tax Relief Services

We can help you:

Stop IRS Notices

We can Stop IRS Collection Notices Fast!

If you have a tax debt, you will begin to receive notices in the mail demanding payment. The notices and letters from the IRS will not stop until the tax debt is addressed, and will increase in frequency and severity the longer the debt goes unpaid. If left unpaid, the debt will grow annually through accrued penalties and interest, and collection action will be enforced through a garnishment or asset seizure. We can help intercede and prevent these embarrassing tax letters from coming to your home or business, and we can do this fairly quickly.

Once you decide to take advantage of our representation services, we will assume tax power of attorney, and most notices will be directed through our office, freeing your time and your mind. From there we will work to tailor a tax relief program specifically matched to your case and help bring you permanent tax relief.

There are three steps before collection action:

  • Reminder Notice
  • Urgent Notice of Intent to Levy
  • Final Notice of Intent to Levy

Reminder Notice

This is the first notice given to individuals and businesses with a tax debt and sets the stage for the collections process. It’s nothing more than a statement of what’s owed for specific years, and depending on the amount of tax debt and years owed, you may receive more than one. They do not come certified mail, so sometimes these notices are lost in transit and are never delivered. Regardless, if you receive a reminder notice stating you have a tax debt, it is very important to save the notice and contact one of our tax relief specialists. Getting professional help is crucial to prevent the tax debt from accruing unnecessary penalties and interest and from further collection action being enforced.

Urgent Notice of Intent to Levy

If you’ve received a reminder notice and failed to reply or hire counsel, the IRS will then issue an intent to levy on certain assets. These assets include wages, accounts payable, bank accounts, investment accounts and properties. For the most part, these letters are delivered certified mail and allow thirty days for either the individual or business to respond. If you’ve received an intent to levy notice, it is even more important to get professional help to intercede. If the IRS is not contacted and the tax debt not addressed, income and assets are at tremendous risk of seizure.

Final Notice of Intent to Levy

This is the last notice a taxpayer or business will receive before assets are seized to satisfy the tax debt. The notice is sent certified mail and the individual or business has only ten days to respond. If no action is taken, assets will be seized. Wages, bank accounts, equipment, investments, properties, even accounts payable by vendors is attachable. This is the last chance a taxpayer or business is given to cooperate.

The IRS has spent time and money pursuing collections for the tax debt that is owed, and if they are not contacted immediately and approached to mediate the debt, the collection process will be enforced. If you have received a final notice of intent to levy, it is imperative that you contact one of our tax relief specialists immediately. We need all the time we can to intercede on your behalf and protect your assets and wages. If you allow too much time to lapse, your assets will be seized. A levy or garnishment is preventable! Do not ignore this last notice. Without addressing your tax debt upon receiving a final notice of levy, not only will wages and assets be attached, but the cost to undo the collection action can be significant.

Wage Garnishment or Asset Levy

If you have failed to respond to any of the previously mentioned notices, the last collection effort by the IRS will be enforcement of levy. This means that your employer must remit up to 75% of your income directly to the IRS in the form of a wage garnishment, and your bank accounts can be emptied overnight to satisfy the tax obligation. Levies on businesses can be especially crippling, as cash flow to keep the business operational can be compromised, and accounts payable will be sent notices demanding payment of all outstanding invoices directly to the IRS. To undo this process can be timely, expensive and stressful.

For the most part, our staff can release wage garnishments and bank levies within days. We can also intercede swiftly if you’ve had equipment or investment properties and accounts attached. If you’ve been levied or garnished, our tax specialists can help get you quickly back on your feet so that the tax debt can be structured for repayment and/or settlement.

Getting Help with IRS Notices

The first step towards successful resolution is to acknowledge that your tax debt and IRS collection notices won’t go away on their own and to seek professional assistance. Our firm of tax relief attorneys and tax professionals has helped thousands of individuals and businesses just like you stop forced collections and finally resolve their tax debt.

Call 888-978-6747 or Click HERE!

Our tax relief professionals will take the time to discuss your issue free of charge, and help map out the best solution moving forward. Rest assured, all information is confidential, and nothing will be shared.

We understand that you have many options when it comes to choosing the right tax relief firm, and we welcome the opportunity to help you patiently through this process and bring closure to this important financial consideration.

Don't tackle the IRS alone. We can help.